Product News

Home Solar with Battery Storage from HyperStrong: Powering Sustainable Residential Energy Solutions

The Hyper-SP-7.6/15-H0-US PV Hybrid Storage System from HyperStrong is designed to provide homes with sustainable and reliable energy. It is an effective and versatile option for domestic solar power generating. In this post, we’ll look at the essential features and characteristics of HyperStrong’s home solar with battery storage, including its energy capacity, power output, and industry certifications.

Maximizing the Use of Solar Energy

HyperStrong’s home solar system boasts an impressive maximum efficiency of over 97.6%, ensuring optimal energy conversion and minimal power losses. This high efficiency contributes to maximizing the utilization of solar power and optimizing energy savings for homeowners.

Perform Reliably in Diverse Environments

The system is designed to perform reliably in diverse environments, with an operating temperature range of -25 ~ +60℃. This wide temperature tolerance enables it to function optimally in both extreme cold and hot climates, accommodating various geographical locations.

Powerful Dustproof and Waterproof Function

With an IP65 rating, the system offers robust protection against dust and water ingress, making it suitable for outdoor installations in different weather conditions. Additionally, the system has obtained several industry certifications, including UL 1741, UL 1741 SA, UL 1741 SB, UL 1699B, UL 1998, UL9540, and UL9540A. These certifications validate the system’s compliance with rigorous safety and performance standards, ensuring peace of mind for homeowners.


HyperStrong’s home solar system provides homeowners with an efficient solution for maximizing the use of solar energy. With its high maximum efficiency, the system optimizes energy conversion and minimizes power losses, allowing for greater energy savings. Designed to perform reliably in diverse environments, it operates within a wide temperature range, ensuring optimal functionality in extreme climates. The system’s IP65 rating offers robust protection against dust and water, while industry certifications validate its safety and performance standards. Homeowners can confidently embrace clean energy and enjoy the benefits of a sustainable and reliable solar power solution.

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