
Chickenpox Disease and the Latest Things Cockers Should Know

Chicken pox is a disease that develops with each season of the year. To prevent raising chickens for competition or raising broiler chickens with these difficult-to-treat seasonal diseases. We invite our cockfighters to take the time to read the content of our article New88today right here!

Concept of chickenpox

Chicken pox (also known as chicken pox) is an infectious disease caused by a virus. Usually this disease will appear in groups of growing chickens from 25-50 days old.

Typical symptoms of the disease include “swollen” pimples on the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth. When the pimple matures, pus flows out and festers in the mucous membrane. More severe disease leads to an increased risk of blindness, diarrhea, pneumonia, poor growth, and death.

The main causes of chickenpox in chickens are:

First, it is a disease that develops and is caused by a virus belonging to the poxvirus group. These viruses will be able to survive for a long time in different environmental weather conditions such as heat, cold, and cold. In particular, they can withstand environments with high humidity or prolonged heat.

Or chickens can be infected by other intermediate organisms such as flies and mosquitoes. parasites. These viruses can survive in the mosquito’s body for up to 56 days and are spread through bites and open wounds on chicken skin. Thus, after a period of time, if healthy chickens are not detected in time, they will in turn get chickenpox.

There is also another reason that many chicken farmers are ignoring: not vaccinating their chickens regularly. Due to vitamin A deficiency, the disease occurs all year round, but mainly in the winter-spring season, when the weather is dry, humid, and cold.

Serious consequences when pets get chickenpox

Compared to other common diseases in pets. This chickenpox disease will bring extremely serious consequences to chickens such as:

  • The incubation period of chickens is very fast, only 4-10 days. This is a contagious disease. If the infected chickens are not promptly separated from the infected chickens, it is likely that smallpox will spread to the entire coop.
  • When chickens are sick, their physical condition will be very weak, they often lose appetite or become exhausted.
  • Historically, many livestock and poultry farm owners and cockfighters raising fighting chickens had to destroy thousands of diseased chickens overnight. This will cause considerable loss and damage to people.
  • In addition, viruses hidden in chicken pathogens can also affect water sources and the health of chicken farmers. Therefore, you need to make sure you are equipped with tools, masks, lime powder, and antiseptic spray before entering the farm.

Some symptoms of livestock infected with chickpox

Below are three identifying characteristics of poultry infected with seasonal fowlpox that farmers should know:

  • Skin form: These are newly infected chickens with a mild form of the disease. Skin without feathers such as the chicken’s neck, comb, mucous membranes, eyes and legs will have dry pea-sized scales.
  • Wet mucosal infection: Usually young chickens under 30 days old are susceptible to this disease. Signs that chickens have mucous pox are skinny bodies, poor appetite, lethargy and not drinking water. Parts of the chicken’s body such as the eyes, throat and mucous membranes will be infected first.
  • Mixed form: Chickens with mixed form will often have both of the above factors. The mortality rate of chickens infected with mixed pox is often very high.

The most accurate way to treat and prevent chickenpox

To help farmers know how to prevent and keep chickens healthier. In the next paragraph below, let’s refer to and learn about how to prevent and treat chickenpox:
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  • Vaccination against chickenpox every year is extremely necessary. Chickens that have been vaccinated rarely get sick again.
  • To have a healthy chicken, the co-raiser should regularly clean the chicken coop. Continuously supplement nutritional sources for chickens to develop comprehensively.
  • Lime powder should be sprinkled around the barn to limit disease-causing germs of viruses in the air.
  • If you discover a sick chicken, you need to quickly separate it from the flock. Prevent cross-infection.

So through the above article of New88, we have learned together about the signs and how to prevent chickenpox in the most detailed detail. I hope that through the content of this article, every person will raise a pet gamechicken You will have more useful experiences.

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